1. | Overview to cesarean birth in Turkey in accordance with cesarean rate and indications in our hospital Hüseyin Aksoy, Sezin Özyurt, Ülkü Aksoy, Gökhan Açmaz, Özge İdem Karadağ, Mustafa Alparslan Babayiğit Pages 1 - 7 |
2. | The Frequency Of Tendency For And Exposure To Vıolence Among The Young Populatıon In Elazıg Provınce, Its Factors And Relatıon To Anger Murat Aygen, Yasemin Açık Pages 8 - 17 |
3. | Patients taking warfarin who had visited an internal medicine clinic and success rate in achieving target INR. Selçuk Yaylacı, Altuğ Ösken, Ercan Aydın, Ahmet Bilal Genç, Salih Şahinkuş, Yusuf Can, Mustafa Volkan Demir, İbrahim Kocayiğit, Ceyhun Varım Pages 18 - 21 |
4. | Role of ultrasound elastography in the differential diagnosis of benign and malignant thyroid nodules Gökhan Duygulu, Tülay Özer, Hakan Cebeci, Çağrı Tiryaki, Murat Coşkun, Ahmet Tuğrul Eruyar Pages 22 - 26 |
5. | Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor of cerebellum in a child Doğan Köse, Erdal Kalkan, Yahya Paksoy, Hatice Toy, Nurcan Üçüncü Ergün, Yavuz Köksal Pages 27 - 31 |
6. | Anaesthetic management of a patient with latex allergy Elif Atar Gaygusuz, Sema Öncül, Efe Önen Pages 32 - 34 |
7. | Partially Defect of Atlas Posterior Arcus; Case Report Hakan Cebeci, Gökhan Duygulu, Tülay Özer, Soner Şahin Pages 35 - 38 |
8. | Evidence Based Treatment of Sudden Hearing Loss Halil Erdem Özel, Selahattin Genç, Fatih Özdoğan, Erkan Esen, Adin Selçuk Pages 39 - 47 |