Volume : 13 Issue : 2 Year : 2024
What is Next For The Anesthetist Under Pressure With a Bleeding Maxillofacial Trauma Patient When The İntubating Options Are Limited. [Kocaeli Med J]
Kocaeli Med J. 2024; 13(1): 1-3 | DOI: 10.5505/ktd.2024.74152

What is Next For The Anesthetist Under Pressure With a Bleeding Maxillofacial Trauma Patient When The İntubating Options Are Limited.

Pramod Padmalayam
Hamad Medical Corporation

Keywords: airway, maxillofacial trauma, leforte fracture, fiberoptic intubation

Kanayan Maksillofasiyal Travma Hastasıyla Baskı Altında Olan Anestezistin Entübasyon Seçenekleri Sınırlı Olduğunda Sırada Ne Var?

Pramod Padmalayam
Hamad Tıp Şirketi

Anahtar Kelimeler: hava yolu, maksillofasiyal travma, leforte kırığı, fiberoptik entübasyon

Pramod Padmalayam. What is Next For The Anesthetist Under Pressure With a Bleeding Maxillofacial Trauma Patient When The İntubating Options Are Limited.. Kocaeli Med J. 2024; 13(1): 1-3

Corresponding Author: Pramod Padmalayam, Qatar
Manuscript Language: English