Uterus didelphys with blind hemivagina and ipsilateral renal agenesis is a very rare anomaly and may be found in a female with normal menstrual periods.We report two cases with a double uterus, unilateral vaginal obstruction and ipsilateral renal agenesis. Both of the patients were virgin and their common clinical presentation was that of the onset of pelvic pain and dysmenorrhea, in association with the presence of a pelvic mass. In both of the patients we accurate the diagnosis by the laparotomic approach. A greater awareness of this syndrome should lead to accurate diagnosis and excision of the obstructing vaginal septum offers a complete relief of symptoms while preserving reproductive capacity.
Keywords: Hematometra, Mullerian Anomaly, Renal AgenesisBlind hemivajina ile birlikte görülen uterus didelfis ve ipsilateral renal agenezi normal menstruel siklusa sahip kadınlarda görülebilen nadir bir anomalidir. Bu olgu sunumunda çift uterus, unilateral vajinal obstrüksiyon ve ipsilateral renal agenezisi olan iki olgu raporlanmıştır. Her iki olguda pelvik ağrı, dismenore ve bununla ilişki olarak pelvik kitle tespit edilmiş virgin hastalardı. Bu sendromun farkına varılması ile vajinal septumun açılması reprodüktif kapasiteyi koruyarak semptomların tamamen düzelmesini sağlar.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Hematometra, Müllerian Anomali, Renal Agenezi